Why karmantra?

karmantra originates from Karrotish Managed Trustbased Role Assignment. It was inspired by the online platform Karrot.

With karmantra it is possible to:

  • build and manage role models for your system,
  • evaluate user's role automatically with the help of rules,
  • automate role assignment for users,
  • change role models later,
  • decouple roles and rules from the rest of the code,
  • make assignment rules transparent and comprehensible for ALL and
  • be flexible; you could even implement a system, where users can create their own role assignment model.

Who is it for

karmantra is for developers who want close the gap between development and organization (yes it's kind of DevOps). If you are a developer, you can easily karmantra to deploy role models and role evaluation mechanisms.

Who is it not for?

It's not suitable for developers who intend to create systems, where only administrators/moderators/... assign roles manually.

About Karrot

Karrot is a platform, connecting people all over the world to save food from being thrown away. Its motivation comes from the fact that about one billion people have to hunger while twelve billion people can be fed with today’s possibilities. Foodsaving groups intend to raise awareness for production and consumption of food through saving food. Karrot provides the possibility for groups to organize via its platform. Its idea is to use automated role assignment without interfering with group’s decisions on role assignment.